Counseling Now Offered Exclusively by Phone or Zoom
COVID-19 UPDATE: During this season, I am available for counseling over the phone or online through Zoom

Christ-Centered and Biblically Based
I take a specific Christian approach to counseling, providing professional counseling that is Christ-centered and Biblically based. I believe that all truth is God’s truth, so I try to glean the truth in psychology filtered through the truth revealed in God’s Word by His Holy Spirit. I have been to counseling myself and I have experienced the emotional and spiritual healing that can come from this type of counseling. The Bible tells us to comfort others with the comfort that we ourselves have received from God (2 Cor. 1:4). That is exactly what I try to do in my counseling.
God is a big God with a big heart full of love. He desires for you to be in a close intimate relationship with him where His love, forgiveness, healing, freedom, peace, joy, and hope flow to you continually. So no matter who you are, or where you are, or what you have done, or failed to do, or what has been done to you, God can restore you. He can renew you. He can set you free.
Replacing Lies with God’s Truth
In my counseling I help people learn how to replace the lies that they have come to believe, with God’s truth, which brings God’s peace (2 Cor. 10:3-5). All of us have come to believe lies about ourselves, others, our circumstances, and our God. Believing these lies can imprison people in unhealthy thoughts, painful emotions, and ungodly actions. Learning to replace these lies with God’s truth changes lives. It can break the shackles of addiction, depression, and anxiety that may have held people captive for years. It can restore families and heal broken relationships. It can give you hope and a future (Jer. 29:11).
You were created in the image of God with infinite value and worth. When you are connected to Christ you have unlimited potential (Phil. 4:13). Our loving Heavenly Father does not want His children to live in emotional or spiritual bondage. His desire is for us to live an abundant life (John 10:10). Isaiah 61 makes it plain that one reason that Jesus came was to set the captives free. That is what God wants to do in your life.
Victory Through Surrender
Your problems are bigger than you. But you will never face a problem that is bigger than our God. I help people experience what I like to call victory through surrender. That may sound like a contradiction, but it is not. We often continue to struggle because we are trying to win in our own strength. When we learn how to surrender to God we experience freedom. The more you surrender to God the more victory you will have.
God’s Eye View
I help people learn to have what I call a “God’s eye view”. This includes having God’s eye view of self, of others, of your circumstances, and of God. Because if you could see through His eyes and see yourself, others, your circumstances, and your God as he sees them, it would change your life. It would set you free. How do I know? Because I have experienced it myself.
People tell me, “I wish that I had gotten help sooner.” I never hear anyone say, “I wish that I had waited longer to get help.” So whether you are struggling with depression, anxiety, addiction, compulsive sexual behavior, marriage or other relationship conflict, guilt, anger, shame - the list goes on - God can heal you!
The sooner we get started together,
the sooner your healing can begin.
I am excited about what God is doing at Tripp Christian Counseling. I look forward to helping you become the healthy, happy, holy person that God created you to be. Please do not put this off. The sooner we get started together, the sooner your healing can begin. I hope to talk with you very soon.